Sunday 12 June 2011

Visuals and situational context; ethical publishing principles

Berita Harian issues public apology over tsunami cartoon is an article written by Wong Pek Me, the article is about an apology to the public made by the Berita Harian aftre publishes a cartoon in Berita Minggu portray the destructive tsunami and earthquake that destroy Japan and killed thousands of people. The management apologize by publish the apology on twitter, face book and its website, and claim that it was not their attention to make fun about Japan disaster. society took it differently because we passive cartoon to be fun or a joke, that why the society was not happy about the cartoon consider what happen to Japan was no fun matter thing to make a cartoon for it.  People post some comments on twitter to show that their where not happy about the publication of the cartoon and ask Berita Harian to apology to the public. 
Lieberman state that, there is a wide range of social inferences made beyond a target's current state and contextual information can be used in very different ways depending on one's inferential goal.  While Trope (1986) gives the example of seeing a weeping person who has either just found out that his close friend died or that he won the lottery. The situational context will affect one's judgment whether one is interested in understanding the person's current feelings or his enduring dispositional tendencies, but will do so differently depending on the question one is trying to answer.  Journalist has to choose the accurate image or picture and consider how viewers going to interpret it. Most people go further than the information given which make them to make assumptions about what is usual in contexts and make implication of things which are not directly visible. These may be influenced by stereotypes, prejudices and past experience we have.   
Publishing is powerful with images that why it is good to understand the ethical of publishing principles at the start. It good for journalist to be aware of the full range of publication wrongdoing and understand that some widely accepted practices may be dishonorable. To understand the audience also it is very important and to choose the right image or word to publish for the article at the right time and consider current event


Matthew D. Lieberman, Neural bases of situational context effects on social perception, viewed on 8th May 2011, available at

Scott-Lichter D. Publication ethics: prevention, screening, and treatment (Editorial). Learned Publishing 

Trope Y ,(1986) , Identification and inferential processes in dispositional attribution. Psychological Review
Visual Perception, viewed on 8th June 2011, available at

 Wager E, Ethical publishing: the innocent author's guide to avoiding misconduct, viewed on 8th June 2011, available at

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