Sunday 12 June 2011

New media ecosystem, new media qualities, freedom of speech and public sphere

The article talk about how social media, cellphone video fuel Arab protests, it about how new media take place in the Middle East and proving to be toxic mix for authoritarian regimes. Most of the people use digital phone which allows taking clear video and managing to upload or send to share with others at the moment. People in the Middle East share and upload the video and image on facebook, twitter, youtube and in the TV station like Al-Jazeera, which help to get the information right away without any delay or wait for next day to read in newspaper. It shows Middle East they are using mobile dives compare to internet usage. Social media help to bring people together from diverse social, political and economic circles.  Marc Lynch in his blog posts that, Al Jazeera and the new media ecosystem did not only spread information they facilitated the framing of the events and a robust public debate about their meaning. Events do not speak for themselves. For them to have political meaning they need to be interpreted placed into a particular context and imbued with significance.  According to the article it shows that new media brings freedom of speech to society where anyone can b a journalist by uploading an event and share with others. 

Kate Lundy define A “Public Sphere” is a space that “…through the vehicle of public opinion it puts the state in touch with the needs of society”. This kind of engagement in public policy is a great way to represent different views and harness a broad range of expertise, particularly on topical issues of the day. It is an ideal of good and accountable governance. The importance of new media is free flows of information, free expression and free debate which help to protect the abuse of power. 

Tunisia and the New Arab Media Space, viewed on 9th June 2011, available at

Public Sphere, viewed on 9th June 2011, available at

Free Speech in the New Media, viewed on 9th June 2011, available at

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