Sunday 12 June 2011


It was along journey with a lot of success to me; through all that period I got a lot of knowledge about issues in publication and design. Also To take the attention from the audience and make our blog unique and have follower, as a designer, a good document designing is needed, with simple language, with right color and image. As a blogger, we have to avoid copyright infringements, defamation and plagiarism in our document design. It is good to know and understand the target audiences to avoid culture and religions misunderstanding and conflicts. Kress & Van Leeuwen (2006, p.35) stated that semiotic landscape differs from one society and culture to another. According to Putnis and Petelin (1996) a good document design will help the readers to read efficiently as well as focusing on one content and does not give them difficulties. Also I learn that multimodal texts are those texts that have more than one mode and meaning is communicated through an organization of modes. And multimodal environment, has differences in affordances from different medium that can help to balance each other’s weakness and maximize the structure of a design, whether it is printed or online

Kress, G & van Leeuwen, T.2006, Reading images, Chapter 1: The Semiotic Landscape: Language and Visual Communication.
Putnis, P & Petelin, R 1996, Professional communication: principles and applications, Prentice Hall, Sydney


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