Sunday 12 June 2011

New media qualities, multimodality and new form of journalism

We are living in a new world, where technology develops every day. The article discus how new media has growing and make thing so easier compare to the past. where to get the information was so hard and sometimes it is hard to get the reality of the event, at that time only phone was the fast means to get the information. In the world of new media any one is journalist or can be journalist. People share information so fast by uploading on facebook, twitter or youtube without any delay, and report the news or upload the video as it is. also the article explain how new media cooperates and how new media can help to raise awareness, relief efforts, and for those who need help right now  In times of crisis.  the victims of Japan disaster use new media to share the information and keep updating they condition and people keep posting their sympathy to people of Japan which help to make them feel better and their not alone. social media or new media as changed our life in one way or another, it change the way we communicate, the way we have fun, the way we are doing our work even they way we fall in love. new media make as no longer lazy in get the information, instead we are getting the news through the network we like and create also we can share and exchange ideas with friends or pass the information to one another so fast in a easier way
Soren Gordhamer (2009)in his conclusion of his article, he state that, In every era, cultures go through numerous changes, and in recent years ours has been more impacted than anything else by social media. Large media companies are not likely to go away overnight, nor will the need to communicate by phone or meet people in person, but social media is providing yet one more means of engaging with people on this vast planet of ours, and if used effectively can give all of us greater choice in how we live and what happens in our world.


5 ways social media is changing our daily lives, viewed on 9th June 2011, available at

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