Sunday 12 June 2011


It was along journey with a lot of success to me; through all that period I got a lot of knowledge about issues in publication and design. Also To take the attention from the audience and make our blog unique and have follower, as a designer, a good document designing is needed, with simple language, with right color and image. As a blogger, we have to avoid copyright infringements, defamation and plagiarism in our document design. It is good to know and understand the target audiences to avoid culture and religions misunderstanding and conflicts. Kress & Van Leeuwen (2006, p.35) stated that semiotic landscape differs from one society and culture to another. According to Putnis and Petelin (1996) a good document design will help the readers to read efficiently as well as focusing on one content and does not give them difficulties. Also I learn that multimodal texts are those texts that have more than one mode and meaning is communicated through an organization of modes. And multimodal environment, has differences in affordances from different medium that can help to balance each other’s weakness and maximize the structure of a design, whether it is printed or online

Kress, G & van Leeuwen, T.2006, Reading images, Chapter 1: The Semiotic Landscape: Language and Visual Communication.
Putnis, P & Petelin, R 1996, Professional communication: principles and applications, Prentice Hall, Sydney


New media qualities, multimodality and new form of journalism

We are living in a new world, where technology develops every day. The article discus how new media has growing and make thing so easier compare to the past. where to get the information was so hard and sometimes it is hard to get the reality of the event, at that time only phone was the fast means to get the information. In the world of new media any one is journalist or can be journalist. People share information so fast by uploading on facebook, twitter or youtube without any delay, and report the news or upload the video as it is. also the article explain how new media cooperates and how new media can help to raise awareness, relief efforts, and for those who need help right now  In times of crisis.  the victims of Japan disaster use new media to share the information and keep updating they condition and people keep posting their sympathy to people of Japan which help to make them feel better and their not alone. social media or new media as changed our life in one way or another, it change the way we communicate, the way we have fun, the way we are doing our work even they way we fall in love. new media make as no longer lazy in get the information, instead we are getting the news through the network we like and create also we can share and exchange ideas with friends or pass the information to one another so fast in a easier way
Soren Gordhamer (2009)in his conclusion of his article, he state that, In every era, cultures go through numerous changes, and in recent years ours has been more impacted than anything else by social media. Large media companies are not likely to go away overnight, nor will the need to communicate by phone or meet people in person, but social media is providing yet one more means of engaging with people on this vast planet of ours, and if used effectively can give all of us greater choice in how we live and what happens in our world.


5 ways social media is changing our daily lives, viewed on 9th June 2011, available at

New media ecosystem, new media qualities, freedom of speech and public sphere

The article talk about how social media, cellphone video fuel Arab protests, it about how new media take place in the Middle East and proving to be toxic mix for authoritarian regimes. Most of the people use digital phone which allows taking clear video and managing to upload or send to share with others at the moment. People in the Middle East share and upload the video and image on facebook, twitter, youtube and in the TV station like Al-Jazeera, which help to get the information right away without any delay or wait for next day to read in newspaper. It shows Middle East they are using mobile dives compare to internet usage. Social media help to bring people together from diverse social, political and economic circles.  Marc Lynch in his blog posts that, Al Jazeera and the new media ecosystem did not only spread information they facilitated the framing of the events and a robust public debate about their meaning. Events do not speak for themselves. For them to have political meaning they need to be interpreted placed into a particular context and imbued with significance.  According to the article it shows that new media brings freedom of speech to society where anyone can b a journalist by uploading an event and share with others. 

Kate Lundy define A “Public Sphere” is a space that “…through the vehicle of public opinion it puts the state in touch with the needs of society”. This kind of engagement in public policy is a great way to represent different views and harness a broad range of expertise, particularly on topical issues of the day. It is an ideal of good and accountable governance. The importance of new media is free flows of information, free expression and free debate which help to protect the abuse of power. 

Tunisia and the New Arab Media Space, viewed on 9th June 2011, available at

Public Sphere, viewed on 9th June 2011, available at

Free Speech in the New Media, viewed on 9th June 2011, available at

Photojournalism and ethical publishing

Egyptian newspaper under fire over altered photo is the heading of news story about Egypt’s newspaper A-Ahram publish the image shows president Mubarak was the leading the middle East peace talks instead of president Barack Obama. The image shows President Mubarak walking ahead president Barack Obama, which is different from the orginal image taken at the White House, where president Obama was leading the way and President Mubarak followed behind. A-Ahram was accused to use manipulated photo and for not being honest and unprofessional.  Technology lead almost everything, allows us to anything we want or change anything the way we want it to be, which sometime make us not to believe any thing we see. The image can be change to the point that is undetectable or can be hard to differentiate the real image and fake one. According to Jerry Lodriguss in his article suggest that, with digital processing, there is almost no limit to what can be done to an image, and many things are done to images with the best intentions. also state that, The fundamental fact that we usually forget is that when we take a picture we do not make a perfectly objective recording of reality. What we make is an interpretation of reality.  While Emery and Curtis say that, picture manipulations that present misleading views, visual messages that perpetuate negative stereotypes of individuals from various multicultural groups.

Journalist sometimes uses their cameras to tell the story, but the images can cause great harm if they are sensitively interfering or manipulated. The National Press Photographers Association suggest the following code of ethics in photographer

1.Be accurate and comprehensive in the representation of subjects

2.Resist being manipulated by staged photo opportunities.

3.Be complete and provide context when photographing or recording subjects. Avoid stereotyping individuals and groups. Recognize and work to avoid presenting one's own biases in the work.

4.Editing should maintain the integrity of the photographic images' content and context. Do not manipulate images or add or alter sound in any way that can mislead viewers or misrepresent subjects.


Emery Michael and Curtis Ted, 1995, the Readings in Mass Communication, Brown & Benchmark Publishers

Jerry Lodriguss, the Ethics of Digital Manipulation, viewed on8thJune2011,available

NPPA Code of Ethics, viewed on 8th June 2011, available at

Visuals and situational context; ethical publishing principles

Berita Harian issues public apology over tsunami cartoon is an article written by Wong Pek Me, the article is about an apology to the public made by the Berita Harian aftre publishes a cartoon in Berita Minggu portray the destructive tsunami and earthquake that destroy Japan and killed thousands of people. The management apologize by publish the apology on twitter, face book and its website, and claim that it was not their attention to make fun about Japan disaster. society took it differently because we passive cartoon to be fun or a joke, that why the society was not happy about the cartoon consider what happen to Japan was no fun matter thing to make a cartoon for it.  People post some comments on twitter to show that their where not happy about the publication of the cartoon and ask Berita Harian to apology to the public. 
Lieberman state that, there is a wide range of social inferences made beyond a target's current state and contextual information can be used in very different ways depending on one's inferential goal.  While Trope (1986) gives the example of seeing a weeping person who has either just found out that his close friend died or that he won the lottery. The situational context will affect one's judgment whether one is interested in understanding the person's current feelings or his enduring dispositional tendencies, but will do so differently depending on the question one is trying to answer.  Journalist has to choose the accurate image or picture and consider how viewers going to interpret it. Most people go further than the information given which make them to make assumptions about what is usual in contexts and make implication of things which are not directly visible. These may be influenced by stereotypes, prejudices and past experience we have.   
Publishing is powerful with images that why it is good to understand the ethical of publishing principles at the start. It good for journalist to be aware of the full range of publication wrongdoing and understand that some widely accepted practices may be dishonorable. To understand the audience also it is very important and to choose the right image or word to publish for the article at the right time and consider current event


Matthew D. Lieberman, Neural bases of situational context effects on social perception, viewed on 8th May 2011, available at

Scott-Lichter D. Publication ethics: prevention, screening, and treatment (Editorial). Learned Publishing 

Trope Y ,(1986) , Identification and inferential processes in dispositional attribution. Psychological Review
Visual Perception, viewed on 8th June 2011, available at

 Wager E, Ethical publishing: the innocent author's guide to avoiding misconduct, viewed on 8th June 2011, available at

Thursday 5 May 2011

New forms of media publishing

The information ecosystem has changed totally in the internet time that has affected the way people relate to each other and the way they relate to information. The new media can be very useful and very interesting. You can’t hit the Internet for finding things fast. Old Media are geographically limited and Communications are strictly one way. Naughton, J 2006 state that the new media ecosystem will be richer, more diverse and complex because of the number of content producers and the density of the interactions between them and their products.

In the new media any one can be a news reporter, anyone can upload news through face book, twitter or YouTube before the news appear in the newspaper. And the newsreader can access to the news instantly. Naughton, J (2006) claims that in the beginning of 21 century, the combination of digital convergence, personal computing and global networking seems to have inflamed up the pace of development and is giving rise to radical shifts in the environment. 

When we talk about new media we consider about social network like facebook, youtube and twitter, which has become the most important Social Media delivery tool for sharing messages and information online. This is the new trend where youth tend to prefer twitter or facebook as a substitute of blogs or newspaper. Also newspaper companies use facebook and twitter to get fast and easier to their audiences. According Wash (2006), an image is more than thousands words. It means that it is easy understand what is going on by an image compare to word. The combination use of images and texts are able to make better understanding and to reader.

Nauhghton, J 2006, Blogging and the emerging media ecosystem, retrieved online on 19 April 2010, from:
Walsh, M 2006, ‘Textual shift: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts,’ Australian journal of language and literacy, vol. 29, no. 1
 Social Media Trends

Blogging Community

Blog community we can say that it is an essential community where people can discuss and share their issues and thoughts, goals or interest using web tools or socialize offline. Livejournal (2009) define community as, “a wide array of creative individuals looking to share common interests, meet new friends, and express themselves.”   While White (2006) explains blogging community as a community who interact online within some bounded set of technologies.  To create a blog community you can use tools such as permalink which shows only a particular entry or comment, rather than showing a category of posts or the main page of the blog, comments, keep the comments flowing to Stimulate lively conversations with our comment features.
Also White (2006) suggest the following tools like
Tagging- Tags are the keywords people add to articles in their blog

RSS - (Really Simple Syndication) – it is simplest, a mechanism to allow you to subscribe to updated web content such as blog posts and forum messages.

Mashups - application that uses content from more than one source to create a completely new service.

Blog roll – A list of recommended sites that appears in the sidebar of a blog.

There are three sorts of blog community according to White (2006) which is the Single Blog, allow the reader to comment and getting to know not only the blogger, but the community of commenter’s. It is owned by one owner or organisation. The Central Connecting Topic Community is a form of community that arises between blogs linked by a common passion or topic. And the Boundaried Community, members register and ‘join’ the community and are offered the chance to create a blog. Also this boundary makes them the closest form to traditional forum based communities.

White, N 2006, Blogs and community – launching a new paradigm for online community?