Thursday 5 May 2011


The blogosphere is the pitch in which tens of millions of users share the latest information and exchange personal opinions, one such unique feature is that the blogosphere is much more vibrant than traditional Web pages. According to blog analysis firm Technorati, the size of the blogosphere has estimated it to double in size every 6 months. And Pew Internet & American Life reports a new weblog is created every 5.8 seconds. That approximately translates into 15,000 new blogs every day. Bloggers collectively create nearly one million blog posts each day.

There are several different types of blogs from those of the personal diary type to those intended to offer the public more information on news, politics, sports, marketing, corporate awareness, brand and product information, family or parenting issues, entertainment. Personal and corporate blogs seem prevalent in Asia especially in Malaysia.
The blogging trends in Asia, most dealing with business, technology and politics.  Example in India, as Dikshit described (2006) bloggers appears to enjoy reading about technology.  When we talk about the benefit of blog, the good example is political blog in Malaysia, is beneficial to Malaysians when voicing criticism against the Malaysian Government as a guide of free speech.

Dikshit, S 2006, ‘Interesting blogging trends in India revealed in new survey
Technorati: State of blogosphere 2010 (http:/

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jinn,

    Postings could've been even better if:

    1.Theories/ concepts on new media qualities (depth, interactivity, immediacy) cited for blogosphere & new publishing forms to explain its relevance to new journalism/ pr/ political communication.

    2. You need depth to elaboration by choosing specific examples of current trends of new media use, as discussed by scholars.

    3. Good writing for Powerpont, need more discussion and application to groups' slides.

    4. Classification posting is missing.

    For Part 2...remember, use a variety of theories to support discussions.
