Thursday 5 May 2011

New forms of media publishing

The information ecosystem has changed totally in the internet time that has affected the way people relate to each other and the way they relate to information. The new media can be very useful and very interesting. You can’t hit the Internet for finding things fast. Old Media are geographically limited and Communications are strictly one way. Naughton, J 2006 state that the new media ecosystem will be richer, more diverse and complex because of the number of content producers and the density of the interactions between them and their products.

In the new media any one can be a news reporter, anyone can upload news through face book, twitter or YouTube before the news appear in the newspaper. And the newsreader can access to the news instantly. Naughton, J (2006) claims that in the beginning of 21 century, the combination of digital convergence, personal computing and global networking seems to have inflamed up the pace of development and is giving rise to radical shifts in the environment. 

When we talk about new media we consider about social network like facebook, youtube and twitter, which has become the most important Social Media delivery tool for sharing messages and information online. This is the new trend where youth tend to prefer twitter or facebook as a substitute of blogs or newspaper. Also newspaper companies use facebook and twitter to get fast and easier to their audiences. According Wash (2006), an image is more than thousands words. It means that it is easy understand what is going on by an image compare to word. The combination use of images and texts are able to make better understanding and to reader.

Nauhghton, J 2006, Blogging and the emerging media ecosystem, retrieved online on 19 April 2010, from:
Walsh, M 2006, ‘Textual shift: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts,’ Australian journal of language and literacy, vol. 29, no. 1
 Social Media Trends

Blogging Community

Blog community we can say that it is an essential community where people can discuss and share their issues and thoughts, goals or interest using web tools or socialize offline. Livejournal (2009) define community as, “a wide array of creative individuals looking to share common interests, meet new friends, and express themselves.”   While White (2006) explains blogging community as a community who interact online within some bounded set of technologies.  To create a blog community you can use tools such as permalink which shows only a particular entry or comment, rather than showing a category of posts or the main page of the blog, comments, keep the comments flowing to Stimulate lively conversations with our comment features.
Also White (2006) suggest the following tools like
Tagging- Tags are the keywords people add to articles in their blog

RSS - (Really Simple Syndication) – it is simplest, a mechanism to allow you to subscribe to updated web content such as blog posts and forum messages.

Mashups - application that uses content from more than one source to create a completely new service.

Blog roll – A list of recommended sites that appears in the sidebar of a blog.

There are three sorts of blog community according to White (2006) which is the Single Blog, allow the reader to comment and getting to know not only the blogger, but the community of commenter’s. It is owned by one owner or organisation. The Central Connecting Topic Community is a form of community that arises between blogs linked by a common passion or topic. And the Boundaried Community, members register and ‘join’ the community and are offered the chance to create a blog. Also this boundary makes them the closest form to traditional forum based communities.

White, N 2006, Blogs and community – launching a new paradigm for online community?


The blogosphere is the pitch in which tens of millions of users share the latest information and exchange personal opinions, one such unique feature is that the blogosphere is much more vibrant than traditional Web pages. According to blog analysis firm Technorati, the size of the blogosphere has estimated it to double in size every 6 months. And Pew Internet & American Life reports a new weblog is created every 5.8 seconds. That approximately translates into 15,000 new blogs every day. Bloggers collectively create nearly one million blog posts each day.

There are several different types of blogs from those of the personal diary type to those intended to offer the public more information on news, politics, sports, marketing, corporate awareness, brand and product information, family or parenting issues, entertainment. Personal and corporate blogs seem prevalent in Asia especially in Malaysia.
The blogging trends in Asia, most dealing with business, technology and politics.  Example in India, as Dikshit described (2006) bloggers appears to enjoy reading about technology.  When we talk about the benefit of blog, the good example is political blog in Malaysia, is beneficial to Malaysians when voicing criticism against the Malaysian Government as a guide of free speech.

Dikshit, S 2006, ‘Interesting blogging trends in India revealed in new survey
Technorati: State of blogosphere 2010 (http:/